Thursday, November 13, 2008

Action Without Words

swapping I enjoy talking dirty and such with women from here but that's all it is is talk. The only one seeing any action out of this is the sex toys,fingers or "rosie palms." To switch it up sometimes you use the other hand seems like you have a new partner. LOL I seem to have a hell of a time finding women on here that live within an hour of me and in my own state. I don't know why that is. I've talked extensively with women from here that live in different satets that are between 3 hours away and 10 hours. All I know is that it's time i get some. Maybe I have to forget my standards and just go out and have some good sex. Not worry about their status and fulfill my urges. Unleash myself. Act upon these urges instead of swapping dirty talk with women and being left to satisfy myself. Or as the Def Leppard song says give me "Action Without Words."

Monday, November 3, 2008

Horny wives

When the woman who's been IMing you every night and calling you on the phone acts coy when you try to make arrangemnts to meet for a drink. Or the couple you regularly meet for play dates works late at night and you work days. I mean what's a guy to do? When the only people looking at your profile live hundreds of miles away, or live in different countries you get the feeling that the God Eros has it in for you. Look foolish mortal but you can not touch. Sure, that couple who frequented your blog seemd like a great match, but come to find out it was your brother and his wife, well lets just say I didn't grow up in Union City. ( Ok, not to malign the good people of Union City or anything ,but come on we've all heard stories) So you sit at your computer and do the search...and you search...and you write letters, and get no replies, or the ones you do get politely decline your proposals. Ok, I'll admit that the rolling around in catsup and saying eat me I'm a french fry fanasty was out of line, but hey you don't know if you don't ask right? Think I'll go out tonight..get on with my life break these chains of soiltude..with a little luck and a little help might even find myself in the arms of someone new. Yeah right, picking up a woman in a bar never seemed right to me. Last time I did anything remotely like that, the woman invited me back to her place, and as we were parking said not to worry her husband was a sound sleeper. Now, being a swinger I don't mind the open relationship between wife and her husband but the husbands got to know, else it's cheating in my book. But in any event, if anyones interested I'll be at the Club tonight..stop by and I'll buy you a drink!

Housewife sex